I’m not really easy to live with! There needs to be unlimited patience and unconditional love. Men I’ve known before loved my independent spirit and were proud of my success, to the point that they’d become jealous of the time I devote to my career.

To be an actor, you have to know yourself really well. That’s been a major thing for me, to really understand why I do things.

I think that’s one of the only reasons God created celebrities. To help those who can’t help themselves.

Milla Jovovich

I’ve never really socialized, I’ve always been antisocial and preferred to be at home. I was never, even my late teens and early twenties, into clubs and parties and stuff like that.

I can’t stand pills. I don’t like drinking. I don’t like feeling out of control. I have to feel like I’m in control of my body. And I know what you’re thinking: Then why would I want to go to church and speak in tongues? You have to understand, there I feel safe.

I don’t want to open my mouth or speak anymore, because everything I say becomes scandalous. It wears you out… so I’m a bit jaded.

Megan Fox

„Female actresses need to be given the chance to be more than how they look. There’s two categories for women in Hollywood; you’re either sexy and that’s it, or you’re not and because of that you often get given better opportunities.”

 „I’ve had amazing, successful relationships with men, and now I have an amazing, successful relationship with a woman, and the bottom line is I love who I love.”

„So many female characters and stories are written by men. It’s a flawed system.”

Amber Heard

I tend to be very picky, so I look for the perfect man! So if Spock and Kirk can mix, they’d become my perfect man. That’s the kind of guy I’d go for. I don’t only go for muscles, I don’t only go for brains. You just need to have a little bit of a bad boy and a geek and then you’ve got the perfect guy.

I love sex. I love skin. I don’t believe the body is something to hide. I think in American society we’re messing up our kids by taking away the education on, and awareness of, our sexuality and replacing it with violence, guns and video games – and we’re breeding little criminals.

Zoe Saldana

I’m a hopeless romantic – and I won’t stop until I get it right!

Humor is always part of the best hours in life.

I never wanted to be a model. My modeling career was nothing but a stepping stone to my acting career and that’s all I ever saw it as. A pointless rock in the river that has to be stepped on in order to get to the meaningful oasis of acting.

What is my real purpose here? I’ve looked at what I do. I make believe and make movies. I entertain people and get paid for it. Sometimes it seems like such a shallow existence. How insignificant in the scheme of life.

On choosing both serious and popcorn-movie roles: There’s art and there’s commerce. You have to find a way to mesh the two. It’s important to do the little movies just for the love of the art. But it’s those big movies that take you around the world and make you globally famous.

Halle Berry

I never know what’s going to happen or what opportunities are going to be given to me. I’ve found with the opportunities that I’ve been given have made it possible for me to explore different characters and exciting stories.

I love stories about people that, whatever situation they’re in, you can relate to them in a way.

To be an actress and act crazy is really fun for me, to be able to be acting like you’d never be able to act in your real life and scream and freak out. It’s an interesting test for an actor.

Alexandra Daddario

To be beautiful in Texas, you had to be blonde and blue-eyed and have a name like Ann.

I know it sounds weird, but my definition of ‘sexy’ has changed as I’ve gotten older. And being smart and informed makes me feel sexier than any outfit.

Right when I finish a workout, I feel pretty sexy. Even though I’m sweaty and I don’t smell like a rose, I feel strong. It does a lot for me mentally and physically.

Sarah Shahi

… I don’t think I’m going to be pigeonholed. If I always played the hot, stupid chick, then I might be pigeonholed as that. I get to kind of choose my films, which hopefully I will choose wisely and build off of that versus pissing the fans off.

Don’t throw petals on the floor if they have no meaning. I would rather have a fun, casual relationship than have someone pretending they’re completely in love with me.

Ashley Greene

Nicole Kidman: Eyes Wide Shut

Eyes Wide Shut

Eyes Wide Shut

Eyes Wide Shut

Cast: Tom Cruise, Nicole Kidman, Madison Eginton, Jackie Sawiris, Sydney Pollack, Leslie Lowe, Peter Benson, Todd Field, Michael Doven

Consumed by betrayal and jealousy, a wealthy Manhattan doctor becomes entangled in a a ritualistic sexual underworld when his wife admits to having lascivious sexual fantasies about another man.